First, Are You Considering Starting a CAD Business? discusses three specific options you have for working in the field of CAD. This post was the very first for this blog and lays the groundwork for considering which direction you might choose to utilize your CAD skills and interest.
Second, Basic Steps to Starting a CAD Business presents four facets that would be essential for establishing a CAD business. Because any business venture requires a measure of investment of some sort, the information is written from the perspective of starting lean and building later as opportunity affords.
Third, Starting a CAD Business... Surprisingly Easy! provides the elementary requirements to make a CAD business a reality. Many may be surprised to find that starting a CAD business is not as daunting as they might have thought!
Fourth, Go For It! ...Ways to Generate CAD Business Opportunities encourages an awareness of potential opportunities for CAD work. While certainly not an inclusive list of ideas, it does bring to attention the two primary types of opportunity that exist.
With that in mind, please take the time to review the variety of additional posts found throughout our blog archive. As you will find, the effort behind each is to share topics relevant and practical to fellow SolidWorks CAD entrepreneurs, or those considering to be!