Of course SolidWorks can readily open STP, IGS, or STL file formats. However, if you simply want to see what a STP, IGS, or STL file entails without going through the extra steps of importing, then a CAD viewer can a great tool for quickly providing the visual design information you need.
(C) ideamk |
If you routinely receive non-SolidWorks file formats such as STP, IGS, or STL, then you may benefit from the free CAD viewers now being provided by the up and coming software development team of
ideaMK. Based in
Ohrid, Macedonia, ideaMK is displaying the business and marketing savvy that it takes to make a reputable name for oneself. While offering their skills in a variety of capacities such as custom software programming / development services, off-the-shelf computer software development, web design; eCommerce and online marketing solutions, their approach to providing viewer freeware is to be commended. This is especially so because the list of freeware they make available is quite extensive. Along with the CAD viewers mentioned, they also provide a variety of additional viewers for file types common to the graphics world.
All of this speaks volumes about a seemingly small company with sincere aspirations. It is a clear and strong indication that
ideaMK has a business model that involves a conscious measure of giving back to the business community. Sure, there may be intrinsic motives involved in providing viewer freeware, but if anyone in the CAD community benefits from their support, then we should have good reason to be appreciative.