A vital aspect of CAD contracting services is to provide clients with a secure transfer of files. Over the years this process, along with the tools available has developed progressively. Today the doorway is well open with emphasis on file storage and sharing on the cloud. However convenient this method may be, the cloud brings with it viable concerns over control, security, and protection of data. These concerns are uniquely addressed with
Pogoplug, a product having first arrived on the scene in 2009 that provides secure file sharing by essentially creating your own personal cloud!
(C) Cloud Engines, Inc. |
Developed by Daniel Putterman and his company Cloud Engines, Pogoplug enables easy and secure web access to personal external hard drives, including a wifi option, that puts you in control of your own personal cloud. With Standard, Pro, and Biz models available, Pogoplug comes with no fees, and no limits on its use.
For a CAD contractor, the notable advantage of Pogoplug is the ability to grant and share full file access to specific folders that you create and control, thereby eliminating the need for FTP sites. In addition, your personal cloud is accessible anywhere there is web access, including mobile devices.
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CNNMoney.com, Cloud Engines sprang up as a small business startup with an innovative product to address a recognized need, and early on garnered the development support of those who know a good thing when they see it. It is clearly evident that Pogoplug has great potential for CAD business owners and contractors in providing reliable and secure file sharing services.