
CAD... Big Job, Small Job, Long Job, Short Job!

In the field of providing CAD services, the array of job opportunities that become available can be quite varied, and of course unpredictable at times. It isn't always feast or famine, as it were, but is typically somewhere in between.

As the title to this segment indicates, the extents of job opportunities will range across the spectrum of client needs. The challenge really then becomes managing your time and effort, in a manner conducive to effective and efficient work. To this we will view a number of job opportunity scenarios, as discuss the benefits and potential concerns of each.

Big Jobs:
Big jobs intrinsically carry the sense that you will be working at an extremely involved level with a shared deep commitment with an employer. They will expect much for the time expended. Additionally, it may well require that you work very closely and cooperatively with others on the project. This may even require employer stipulations that you work on location with the employer only during their business hours.

By handling this responsibly, you may well earn a good reputation and gain a client who will look to you for their extended CAD needs again in the near future. A possible concern could be only in failing to communicate effectively and thereby falling short of the expectations that you will be held to.

Small Jobs:
Small jobs are small only in a relative sense. They still require the full scope of your effort to accomplish a quality result for the time expended. And it is important it bear in mind that small jobs could easily have the potential to become larger in the future, especially for clients that are growing.

Some real advantages of small jobs are the varieties of CAD work that can make for an interesting and robust portfolio. A potential concern is to avoid the trap of thinking that a small job somehow requires less than your best effort. Always remember that a dissatisfied customer, however small, can easily erode the good name you have endeavored to make.

Long Jobs:
A long term contract job is ideal in the practical ways of being able to provide a steady income while working in a familiar setting for an extended time. Similar in many ways to the 'Big Jobs' mentioned above, it also allows the opportunity to become an even more trusted contributor to the client or employer. In fact, many fellow workers that you work closely with may begin to interact as if you were one of them: a regular full-time employee. Be cautious therefore, not to lose sight of your professional responsibility. That means working as diligently late Friday afternoon as you did on Monday morning, regardless of what water cooler banter about the upcoming weekend is going on around you!

Although a long-term contract client will most likely negotiate a lower rate, the duration of the longer terms will easily make up for any perceived sacrifice. And there is a potential that an employer may come to be so pleased with your CAD services that an offer for full-time employment could even be extended to you.

Short Jobs:
Short jobs can be unique and afford an opportunity to expand your client base. Similar in many respects to ' Small Jobs', these are limited in terms of contract time required. Consider that a short job client might simply be 'testing you out', as it were, to determine if you would be a good candidate for more involved or lengthy contract work. That being said, you will certainly want to take advantage of developing good communication and rapport with those you will be working with.

Realistically, the variety of job opportunities may not always come as you may desire, but being flexible and balanced in your accepting work are important decisions, all the same. Your personal needs and goals in developing and maintaining your CAD business should obviously be weighed in as you consider which jobs to take or decline.

Finally, if your circumstances allow, don't forget that even offering to do a very small job for no cost can make a huge impression. Genuine appreciation expressed by word of mouth will not only promote your SolidWorks CAD business, but also indicate that you are the type of person that others should be interested in contracting with!