
YouTube, CAD, the Hashtag #... and more

There is more information available today than ever before. Aside from sponsored content, how can any one person sift the entire internet to discern what is valuable from what is trivial? The answer simply is you can't,... but an algorithm can.

YouTube's auto-generated channels are created by algorithms to collect trending and popular videos by topic.  Auto-generated channels act like user channels in that you can subscribe to them and stay updated on new videos. YouTube's auto-generated channels begin with a # symbol (i.e: #SolidWorks, #CATIA, #Autodesk, #ProE, etc.) and contain a notice in the About section that they are auto-generated. 

The clear advantage of auto-generated channels for video information is the enlarged content, filtered for usability. Yes, of course all of the big players have their own channel, but the information in a sponsored channel is selective and controlled by the sponsor. In other words, it is limited by what they want you to see. However, an auto-generated channel will include all video content relevant to the topic. Thus, auto-generated channels provide you with the best of everything related to the topic, regardless of who created the video.

For CAD users, scripted instructions of Help sections, and company-sponsored sites all have their place in the scheme of things. Video instruction though is such a powerful tool as it provides clear, visual step-by-step instruction. So it's nice to know a collective / sorted resource of video information is available with seemingly little effort. So if you're interested in viewing features of a CAD program, training, tips, or whatever is relevant to the topic, then the auto-generated hashtag # channel is an excellent resource to view the most relevant information quickly.

As an additional benefit, the side bar of any channel includes Featured Channels that might be of a related interest to the viewer as well. Thereby easily expanding your pool of available resources, as needed. And you don't have to limit yourself to CAD, as YouTube is auto-generating an ever increasing number of channels in any topic, including music / musicians with selected entire album content of which you can subscribe. Yes, what more could you ask for from an algorithm!