If you are already positioned to provide contracted CAD services, then you have a unique option for remaining active in the ever changing landscape of employment opportunities. If you are one who is contemplating whether creating a CAD business is worth the time and effort, then it might be shrewd to listen to those who are paid to study economic trends.
- CNNMoney.com reports in an article entitled The Rise of Freelance Nation, "Don't wait for the company to push you. Start thinking like an entrepreneur now". In addition to identifying that independent contractors will increase from the present 30% of the U.S. job market in 2009 to 40% in 2019, the article adds that 'the trend is expected to spread to professions such as accounting, engineering, health care, law, and sales'.
- MSN Money also stated in a December 2009 report of CEOs interviewed for PricewaterhouseCoopers' Private Company Trendsetter Barometer survey, that "among the 35 percent of leading private companies that believe they will have to fill in some skills gaps... 22 percent plan to use contractors as means to fill skills gaps at their companies."